In Person Divine Mother Healing & Rebirth Ceremony
Are you ready to surrender who you've thought yourself to be? Are you sick of struggling with trauma and pain that leaves you doubting your self-worth and purpose? Are you ready for a complete transformation and mind, body, and soul healing? If so, I would like to invite you to join me where the Divine Mother will guide you to surrender all of the stuff we’ve accumulated across lifetimes and be Reborn into the Truth of the I AM Presence of Christ Within You. Now is the time for us to awaken and remember the Truth of the I AM Presence. That we are all One Heart with many Petals. During this Rebirth Ceremony you will be guided by Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ & The Divine Mother Akasha the Mother of the Universe, who is here to Rebirth this planet and all of the Children into the Truth of their Divinity. Awakening to the remembrance that we are A Holy Child of God, never separated from the mind of Christ, always able to surrender the fight and remember the Truth of the I AM Presence of Christ Within Your Sacred Heart.
Through the Divine Mother’s Love, you will be Reborn of the Spirit allowing for your Sacred Heart to open, surrendering all defenses we have made against Love from the mind of separation. To be reborn through the Divine Mother’s Love is to reset you to your Original and Holy Blueprint. It will be up to you to continue to walk the path calling you forward and choosing to continue to surrender the ego illusions as they come up. As we peel away, all of the illusions upon this planet and awaken as a collective consciousness.
You will not leave the same person as you thought yourself to be when you arrived. The process takes courage to allow all that is dying to die away, but the reward of knowing who you truly are is Priceless!
Are you ready? Then, let's begin.
Lodging not included Sedo not included. With so many different dietary preferences, it works best if we go out to eat and everyone covers themselves. This keeps our cost much lower as well.