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Awaken to your true authentic self
Are you ready to activate your gifts, complete your trauma cycle, and live your life purpose? Let’s create the change we wish to see in the world.

Kendra’s spiritual guidance will help you break free from the challenges and emotional blocks that have held you back from living your life purpose and create true authentic happiness.
About Kendra

Kendra Divine Purpose Mentor, Spiritual Teacher, and Metaphysician.
Kendra is a highly experienced and empathetic mentor who specializes in helping individuals find their divine purpose. With a background in psychology and spirituality, Kendra brings a unique blend of knowledge and expertise to her mentoring practice. She has dedicated her life to assisting people in uncovering their deepest passions and aligning them with their life's purpose.
Kendra's approach to mentoring is rooted in compassion and understanding. She believes that everyone has a unique purpose in life and that by discovering and embracing it, individuals can experience a profound sense of fulfillment and joy. Kendra's clients describe her as a compassionate listener, a wise guide, and a source of unwavering support throughout their transformative journeys.
As a metaphysician, she believes we are immortal souls; seeds of the Divine who are created and sustained in love by God. This is our true nature. It is our soul that gives us our life and our consciousness. To achieve its full power and wonder, each soul must go through the process of spiritual evolution, gradually maturing into a fully developed Divine being, ascending or self-actualizing into Christ Consciousness. (The Consciousness of God in man)
If you're ready to activate your gifts, heal from trauma, and live your Divine Life Purpose, let's get started!
See You On The Other Side.
- Kendra
What others are saying
Kendra helped me so much so far, not only she helps you to reach your true potential, she also helps you understand what are you coming from and how handle things on current situation. Although, I have never met her in person (at least not yet), she became one of my close friends. Seriously guys, the guidance she provides, is amazing.
- Krystyna Myronova
Kendra is so talented as well as radiates a beautiful energy. Any question I had was answered and was "spot on!!" I am so impressed by her kindness and caring. I look forward to speaking with her in the future for my needs as well as training.”
- Judy Dana Kuta
Kendra is the real deal! I was delightfully surprised with her gifts and feel lucky to have found her. She can connect with your energy extremely well which may resort in some technical difficulties, hehe : ) But joke aside, I wish she gets to help even more people on their own journey <3